Saturday, July 31, 2010

My View of God and Government

I am a Libertarian Latter-Day Saint. I believe that God gave us our liberties and freedom (referred to in the church as our agency) to do with them what we like. We will have consequences for all our actions, whether they be good or bad. If we were to take away someone's agency, this would be a great sin. In a political sense this falls under our civil liberties and laws governing them. I do feel that some laws give us greater freedom, while others can quickly steal our freedom from us. An example of a law that gives us freedom is obviously the laws that go along the lines of the 10 commandments; do not lie, cheat, steal, murder, and other such criminal law. These are made for our protection, give us the freedom to walk out our front door without fear of those around us. Laws that restrict us and take away our freedom are those arbitrary laws that govern our ability to, well own a gun for instance. We have been given a constitution that specifically grants us a right to KEEP and BEAR arms, yet many states are passing laws that are trying to take that right away. I believe in a smaller government that is there to protect us as citizens and help provide the basic logistical infrastructure for the country to run on. This would include; transportation systems (roads, rail, public transport, airports), a simple and effective welfare program (though I believe most welfare should be in the hands of the private sector, like churches who know their patrons), and other important things like record keeping.

I most commonly refer to myself as a christian. I believe in Christ. The man known a to this world as Jesus of Nazareth came to redeem us from death and sin. He is the son of God. The promised Messiah. This is the basis of Christianity. ALL of my religious commentary will trace back to this. It is what I know to be true. My Testimony of my savior will be found throughout this blog. If this offends you I am sorry this blog is not for you. I will be talking about such sensitive subjects as gay marriage, abortion, drugs and many, many other things that are brought to my attention. I will refer to my beliefs in these subjects. Some will find them quite peculiar, but it will represent what I believe to be true.

Now that I have given you a quick synopses of what to expect in my blog I hope you enjoy reading. I will update this as often as I can. Mostly when a story is brought to my attention that I think needs my commentary. THIS IS AN EDITORIAL BLOG. expect my opinion. That is all I will be giving.

Thank you and enjoy.

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